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Gocce di Musica

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Una rubrica settimanale a cura di Paolo Russo.


”È con immenso onore, vivo interesse e grande entusiasmo che ho accolto la proposta di presentare una rubrica musicale presso il portale web del sito dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Danimarca. Ringrazio, a questo proposito, il direttore Dott. Raffaello Barbieri, per avermi offerto questa opportunità, coinvolgendomi in una nuova, stimolante iniziativa culturale. Nel corso dei nostri brevi appuntamenti settimanali, presentati in formato video, sarò lieto di condurvi per mano attraverso il mio personale universo musicale, mostrandovi di volta in volta alcuni estratti delle mie produzioni, accompagnati da una breve introduzione e corredati dall’indicazione di link, documenti e ulteriori informazioni, per tutti coloro che volessero in seguito approfondire le proprie conoscenze. La mia speranza è quella di riuscire – soprattutto in un momento drammatico, inquietante e difficile come quello che stiamo vivendo nel mondo di oggi – a donare un po’ di sollievo e di conforto attraverso la mia musica, ma anche a stimolare la curiosità, sviluppare il senso di ricerca e (perché no?) contribuire ad attivare le proprie abilità creative, elevando lo spirito e potenziando l’energia vitale.Benvenuti a bordo e buon ascolto!”

Paolo Russo, aprile 2020


Paolo Russo, musicista e compositore, è nato a Pescara nel 1969 e vive a Copenhagen dal 1996. Suona il piano ed il bandoneon, avendo studiato in Italia, Danimarca e Argentina. Diplomatosi sia in pianoforte classico (”Conservatorio L. D’Annunzio” – Pescara, 1993), che in piano jazz (”Det Rytmiske Musikkonservatorium” – Copenhagen, 2002), si è accostato allo studio del bandoneon diatonico relativamente tardi, all’età di 32 anni. Dopo una lunga serie di collaborazioni al fianco di alcuni dei principali esponenti del mondo jazz e pop in Scandinavia e in Italia (Etta Cameron, Caroline Henderson, Bo Stief, Stefano Bollani, Paolo Fresu, per citarne solo alcuni), si è dedicato con maggiore intensità e rigore all’espressione della propria identità musicale, come solista, compositore, produttore e band leader. Inoltre, l’instancabile impegno profuso nello studio e nella ricerca sonora del bandoneon lo ha condotto a ben 14 viaggi in Argentina, non solo studiando con i migliori maestri del tango (Néstor Marconi su tutti), ma anche esibendosi frequentemente con numerosi musicisti sudamericani e registrando 3 album.Si è esibito professionalmente in tutta Europa, ma anche in Groenlandia, Isole Faroe, Russia, Gran Bretagna, Giappone, Tailandia, Mozambico, Tanzania, Algeria, Brasile, Argentina, Uruguay, Stati Uniti e Cuba. Ha pubblicato 16 album come solista, compositore, band leader e co-leader e due nuovi album sono programmati in uscita per il 2020. Ha partecipato, come accompagnatore e come ospite solista, a oltre cinquanta album di autori vari. Ha composto musica per gli ensemble più svariati – dal solo, all’orchestra sinfonica. Ha composto e prodotto musica per teatro, cinema, tv e online series. Il suo libro pubblicato nel 2017: “Bandoneon Solo Vol. II – ORIGINALS” è stato definito un capolavoro dal celebre maestro Néstor Marconi, il quale ne ha anche curato le note introduttive.

È oggi considerato uno dei più originali e prolifici esponenti del bandoneon jazz a livello internazionale.


1) 19.05.2020 – O GOLFINHO AZUL

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Further info about this episode:   

 • “O Golfinho Azul” is inspired by the Brazilian “choro”, an expression of popular music from the 1800, that mixed elements of European and African music and had its origins in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.

• A wider description of the bandoneon:

• Background music under talk: “Riflessivo” composed and performed by Paolo Russo on bandoneon (from the album “Bandoneon Solo Vol. II – ORIGINALS” – Zina Zinetti Music 2017). Find full album here:


2) 21.05.2020 – Improvvisazione libera

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Further info about this episode:  

• This is a free piano improvisation as introduction to my tune “Nobil son e fatal”, as part of a concert I performed live in the Odradek Records’ studio “The Spheres”, in Pescara, Italy, in October 2019, during the recording of my upcoming solo album “PLAYGROUND”. Watch entire concert:

• Interesting reading on improvisation during the Baroque era:

• Keith Jarrett- The Art of Improvisation (Intro):

• Background music under talk: “Luminescent” improvisation performed by Paolo Russo on bandoneon (from the album “PLAYGROUND” – Odradek-Records 2020)


3) 26.05.2020 – BANDONEON CONCERTO N. I

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Further info about this episode:   • 3-movement bandoneon concerto (approx. duration: 24 minutes). Post-Piazzolla oriented work that presents also elements of classical, folk, jazz and film-music. The general idea is to transcend the limits imposed by the dominant tango tradition, in order to explore other musical paths and propose alternative scenarios, however without renouncing completely to its peculiar and characteristic language, where the bandoneon can find new life as solo instrument combined with a dialoguing and articulated use of the orchestra.

• Listen also to Astor Piazzolla’s Suite Punta del Este:

• Background music under talk: “Bandoneon Concerto n. 1 – II movement” composed and performed by Paolo Russo on bandoneon, together with the Zrenjaninski Kamerni Orkestar, directed by Thommy Andersson.


4) 28.5.2020 – Preludio e Fuga – in Do minore

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Further info about this episode:  

• Johann Sebastian Bach – Piano Partita No. 2 In C Minor, BWV 826 – Martha Argerich:

• Johann Sebastian Bach – Brandenburg Concertos 1-6, directed by Claudio Abbado:

• Background music under talk: “Invention 8 in F Major, BWV 779” by Johann Sebastian Bach and performed by Paolo Russo on bandoneon.


5) 2.6.2020 – Fellini Suite 

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Further info about this episode:     • The Fellini drawing you see in chronologic sequence in the video is made by Paolo, who also designed the album cover.

• You can watch the Fellini suite medley here:

• Nino Rota, beside his remarkable collaboration with Fellini, also wrote the fabulous soundtrack for the Francis Ford Coppola’s masterpiece “The Godfather”. Here, you can listen to the Godfather suite, which is part of the “Fellini Goes Jazz” album too:

• Here you can find the “Fellini Goes Jazz” album:


6) 4.6.2020 – Presto in Si bemolle / Clavicembalisti italiani

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Further info about this episode:   • The collection “18 Composizioni clavicembalistiche italiane” – curated by Renzo Silvestri – contains works of:
Domenico Scarlatti • Domenico Zipoli • Baldassarre Galuppi • Antonio Gaetano Pampani • Benedetto Legati • Giacomo Croce.

• For more detailed information regarding the life and the works of Baldassarre Galuppi (in Italian):

• For a wider and more general perspective on the music of the Baroque era, also with a very interesting timeline of the composers (in English):

• Background music under talk: “Andantino” composed by B. Galuppi and performed by Paolo Russo on piano – from the album Paolo Russo Piano Solo – Vol. I – CLAVICEMBALISTI ITALIANI” available here:


7) 9.6.2020 – Contradanza / Eskar Trio meets Paolo Russo

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Further info about this episode:   • The “Eskar Trio” (Julie Eskær, violin • Emilie Eskær, cello • Charlotte Thaning, piano) has existed for over 25 years. Since the trio was formed, it has established a reputation as one of the absolute leading ensembles on the Danish chamber music scene, being well known for their great musicianship and passionate performances.

• Listen to the tune “Crystals” – composed by P. Russo and performed by “Eskar Trio meets Paolo Russo”, live @ Det Italienske Kulturinstitut):

• Background music under talk: “P. Astor” and “The Hologram” – composed by P. Russo and performed by “Eskar Trio meets Paolo Russo”. Listen to the complete tunes here:

• Photo credits: Ettore Causa, Nicola Fasano


8) 11.6.2020 – Imaginary Soundtrack

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Further info about this episode:   • “Imaginary Soundtrack” is music inspired by Italian cinema and written for the unique quartet: vibraphone, recorder, contrabass and bandoneon. Here you can listen to the more classical/world music compositions from Paolo’s hand – a musical journey through a collection of 15 inspired and carefully arranged pieces – an invitation for the listener to create their own narrative to accompany this vivid and suggestive soundtrack.

• “So often in videos, films and commercials, music has become just an accompaniment. I just want to put the music first … to make a statement for ‘Imaginary Soundtrack’, where the listener imagines what they choose, to let their imagination soar without pre-presented visuals… for listeners to build their own movie around the music, whatever that may be… (Paolo Russo)

• Background music under talk: “De la meseta al oceano” – tenor recorder solo piece composed by P. Russo and performed by Roberto Torto, on the album “Imaginary Soundtrack” (Odradek Records 2019). Link to the album here:

• Thanks to Arun Sharma & Sisyphuz Films, for the editing of the Imaginary Soundtrack live video. • Photo credits: Michelle Berg, Jette Jørs (Bolette Roed’s photos) • Photo credits: Tommaso Tuzj (Thommy Andersson, David Hildebrandt, Roberto Torto and Paolo Russo’s photos) • Imaginary Soundtrack’s album cover by Tommaso Tuzj


9) 16.6.2020 – Interplay with Lelo Nika

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Further info about this episode:   • Paolo and Lelo started collaborating since joining the band “ONE SONG III”, lead by legendary Danish jazz bass player Bo Stief. Between 1999 and 2006, the band performed over 150 concerts all around Scandinavia. Their collaboration has never stopped since then, continuing in a number of various constellations and projects.

•Listen to Lelo’s formidable septet:

• The background music under the talk is the beautiful solo introduction that Lelo played live just before the tune in the video.


10) 16.6.2020 – Footprints

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Further info about this episode:  

• Follow the link below to a playlist with over 70 bandoneon solo recordings. Original compositions, plus a number of recordings of famous jazz evergreens, personally arranged and interpreted as bandoneon solo and also a few short pieces of J. S. Bach.

• The Bandoneon Solo series has so far 3 albums (Vol. I, II, III). The 4th and 5th volumes are already scheduled for recording and release in the years 2020-2021. Follow Paolo’s work here:

• The background music under the talk is the ballad “Infant eyes”, composed by Wayne Shorter and played by Paolo on the album “Bandoneon Solo Vol. I – JAZZ STANDARDS”.


11) 23.6.2020 – Dall’album ”Playground”: ”Schisseando”

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Further info about this episode:  

• “PLAYGROUND” is the 17th album released by Paolo, as soloist, composer, arranger; it was recorded at the studio “The Spheres”, Montesilvano (Pescara) – Italy, 21-25 October 2019 and is expected to be released within the summer 2020, with the American label (based in Italy) Odradek-Records.

• Among Paolo’s major sources of inspiration are two amazing jazz musicians: the Brazilian Egberto Gismonti (piano, guitar, flute, etc.) and the American Ralph Towner (guitar, piano, flugelhorn, etc.) – both wonderful poly-instrumentalists.

• The starting tune, where Paolo plays both piano and bandoneon, is the beautiful Danish song “Jeg ved en lærkerede”, by the famous Danish composer Carl Nielsen, then followed by a short improvised section based on Brazilian choro rhythmic groove.