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Dove viviamo. Saluti da Ravenna

Mostra fotografica.  


OSSERVATORIO FOTOGRAFICO is an experimental platform for research on photography in Ravenna, working with landscape and urbanscape photography.

The exhibition presents the projects Dove Viviamo and Saluti da Ravenna which are documenting the territory and building a visual archive of the city of Ravenna. The projects are based on photographic campaigns done by visiting Italian and European photographers.

The photographers presented are:

Daniel Augschoell, Nicola Baldazzi, Davide Baldrati, Enrico Benvenuti, Michele Cera, Federico Covre, Giammario Corsi, Cesare Fabbri, Jonathan Frantini, Roberta Galassini, Marcello Galvani, Francesca Gardini, Luca Di Giorgio, Guido Guidi, Gerry Johansson, Marco Lachi, Allegra Martin, Riccardo Muzzi, Francesco Neri, Luca Nostri, Moira Ricci, Xiaoxiao Xu.

Curator: Art historian Silvia Loddo, who is one of the founders of Osservatorio Fotografico.cpf logo

Danish curator assistant: Finn Larsen

Curator Jens Erdmann Rasmussen and photographer Gerry Johansson will speak at the exhibition opening.

The exhibition is part of the Copenhagen Photo Festival 2018 and it is possible to visit the exhibition during opening hours of The Italian Institute of Culture until the 2nd of August.

The Italian Institute of Culture will offer a glass of wine to the guests.


* Con il patrocinio del Comune di Ravenna