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Serenata Viandante

Commedia dell’Arte show 

Written and directed by Anna Penati. 

Staging Anna Penati and Marco Zavarise. 

Production and distribution: Komediehuset15965084 1283361361734811 9059994012963905457 n


Commedia dell’Arte is the most known italian mask-theatre tradition, and it has influenced uncountable theatre genres from 16th century until today. Maximum expression of popular culture, it has always talked about current history with pungent irony; this is why it has always been censored and hated by institutional powers. Born as street performance it has always belonged to poor people; that’s why, traditionally, it doesn’t need lights or special effects but only a body, a voice and someone who listens.

“Serenata Viandante” (Emigrantens Serenade) is a comedy show that talks about one of the most urgent issues nowadays: migration.

A young italian man, Leonardo, decides to travel from Italy across Europe, facing geographical obstacles and social prejudices, to reach Denmark and find a better life. 

558451 1280 12800 0 44 2265 1415 2 558453 1280 12800 0 22 2363 1476 2


Lo spettacolo è in lingua inglese.

A conclusione dell’evento l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura offrirà agli intervenuti un bicchiere di vino.

  • In collaborazione con: Komediehuset